In this video I am reviewing the new board from 4tronix. It is called Picon Zero and packs a lot of features to add lots of functionalities to your Pi Zero.
You can find more information on 4tronix’s blog but first of all see what I have to say about it!
These are the features it comes with:
- I2C interface, leaving all GPIO pins free for your own use
- 2 full H-Bridge motor drivers with full forward/reverse and speed control. Up to 1.5A continuous per channel (2A peak)
- 6 general purpose output channels (5V) that can be set as: Digital, PWM, Servo, WS2812( aka neopixels)
- 4 general purpose inputs (5V) that can be Digital, Analog, DS18B20 (digital temperature sensor)
- All inputs and outputs use 3-pin GVS connectors (Ground, Volts, Signal) – allowing 3-pin sensors, servos, etc. to plug straight in
- Dedicated socket for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. Plug it straight in, or use jumper wires to mount it further away
- 5 GPIO signals, 5V, 3V and Ground brought out to a header
- Power for outputs can be from Raspberry Pi’s 5V or from an external USB input line
- Power for motors can be from internal/external 5V, or from a separate power source (3V to 11V)
- Both motor terminals have 2-pin screw connectors AND 2-pin male headers to allow maximum flexibility in connecting
- Python library module making it super-easy to use any of the features